Glass Types - Granbury Door & Window

Feb 20, 2019
Window Replacement


Welcome to Glass Works Of Texas, your go-to source for all your residential window needs in Granbury and the surrounding areas. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore different glass types used for residential windows, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions for your home.

1. Float Glass

Float glass is one of the most commonly used types of glass for residential windows. It is made by floating molten glass over a bed of molten tin, resulting in a high-quality, distortion-free sheet of glass. This type of glass offers excellent transparency, allowing natural light to brighten your home while keeping you protected from the elements.

2. Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is a type of safety glass that undergoes a specialized heat treatment process, making it stronger and more resistant to breakage than regular glass. This glass type is ideal for windows in locations where safety is a concern, such as bathrooms, children's rooms, or high-traffic areas. In the event of breakage, tempered glass shatters into small, granular pieces, reducing the risk of severe injuries.

3. Insulated Glass

Insulated glass, also known as double-pane or double-glazed glass, consists of two or more glass panes separated by an insulating spacer. The space between the panes is filled with air or a low-conductivity gas, providing enhanced insulation. This type of glass not only improves energy efficiency by reducing heat transfer but also offers better sound insulation, keeping your home quiet and comfortable.

4. Low-E Glass

Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass is designed to minimize heat transfer through windows while allowing natural light to pass through. It is coated with a microscopically thin, virtually invisible layer of metal oxide that reflects heat back to its source, reducing heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter. Low-E glass helps to maintain a consistent indoor temperature, improve energy efficiency, and protect your furnishings from harmful UV rays.

5. Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is a type of safety glass that consists of two or more layers of glass with a plastic interlayer called polyvinyl butyral (PVB) sandwiched in between. The interlayer provides additional strength, preventing the glass from shattering into large, sharp pieces when broken. Laminated glass offers improved security and is often used in windows where impact resistance is a priority, such as in hurricane-prone areas.

6. Tinted Glass

Tinted glass is glass that has additives to reduce the amount of incoming solar radiation, reducing glare and heat transmission. This type of glass comes in various colors and shades, allowing you to achieve the desired level of privacy while still enjoying natural light. Tinted glass also provides protection against fading of interior furnishings caused by harmful UV rays.

7. Patterned Glass

Patterned glass, often referred to as textured or decorative glass, features various designs, patterns, or textures imprinted on its surface. This type of glass enhances privacy by obscuring the view while still allowing light to pass through. Patterned glass is a popular choice for windows in bathrooms, entryways, or any area where privacy is desired without compromising natural light.

8. Frosted Glass

Frosted glass is produced by the process of acid etching or sandblasting regular glass, resulting in a translucent surface that diffuses light and obscures visibility. This type of glass is commonly used in bathrooms, partitions, or windows where privacy is essential while maintaining an elegant appearance. Frosted glass can also be customized with various patterns and designs to suit your aesthetic preferences.


Choosing the right glass type for your residential windows is crucial for both functional and aesthetic purposes. At Glass Works Of Texas, we offer a wide range of glass options to meet your specific needs. Whether you prioritize safety, energy efficiency, privacy, or a combination of factors, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you in finding the perfect glass type for your home. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

Diane Brundage
This guide was a real eye-opener! 😮 Now I finally understand which glass types are best for my windows. Thank you for breaking it down and making it so easy to understand. Can't wait to upgrade my home now! 👍
Nov 11, 2023
Elise Feldman
This guide was a game-changer for me! Now I know which glass types to consider for my windows.
Nov 8, 2023
Jan Barkatullah
Very informative guide! Learned a lot about different glass types.
Oct 18, 2023
Janet Kubsh
This article is very informative and helpful!
Oct 8, 2023